COVID 19 Updates
We continue to care for and enroll children at our centres in Alberta. Additional safety protocols are in place such as enhanced environmental cleaning and hygiene practices, screening, cohering, physical distancing, and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). We adhere to the Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 Guidance for Daycares and Out of School Care (Child Care) (Updated February 2022).
Due to the risk of COVID-19, Kids Valley Daycare have implemented the following safety protocols to protect the children, their parents/guardians, and our staff at the center.
Daily screening: All staff will complete a daily screening form prior to coming to work to ensure:
- They exhibit no symptoms whatsoever of COVID-19 including:
-Temperature of greater than 38 degrees C
-Chronic cough
-Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
-Sore throat
-Nasal congestion or runny nose
-Headaches, and/or muscle/joint aches
-Unexplained fatigue or severe exhaustion
-Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
-Unexplained loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell or taste
-General unwellness
- They have not travelled or been exposed to a recent traveller
- They are not in close contact with anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms, or a confirmed case.
Any team members or children who do not meet the daily screening requirements will not be allowed to come to the center given Safety for others and their loved ones and will follow AHS testing and isolation guidelines.